Welcome Back Returning Coach: Jonathan Lloyd
Full time DDSB Elementary Phys-Ed Teacher and Regional Championship Coach of 27 years who has coached Competitive Hockey for both the OMHA and the OGHA for the last 10 years.
‘Past’ President of DEAA, the Durham Elementary Athletic Association in the Durham District School Board
2018/19 OMHA U9 AA Head Coach
2019/20 OMHA U10 AA Head Coach
2023/24 OMHA U18AA Assoc. Coach
2020/21 OMHA U11 AAAHead Coach
2021/22 OMHA U12 AAA Head Coach
2022/23 OMHA U13 AAA Head Coach
2023/24 OMHA U16 AAA Asst. Coach - OMHA and OHF Finalists
2023/24 Oshawa Minor Hockey Association - ‘Coaching Staff of the Year’
2023/24 Oshawa Minor Hockey Association ‘Coach at Large’ and Coach Mentor
2024/25 OMHA U12 AAA North Shore Whitecaps Head Coach